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Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) are the backbone of any food safety program. They cover topics like hygiene, facility cleanliness, and good record-keeping. Even the design of the manufacturing plant itself is covered in these regulations.


Overall, cGMPs ensure that food is safe for consumers and something our customers can be proud of. The goal is to prevent issues before they happen and to quickly correct them if they do.


Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) are the backbone of any food safety program. They cover topics like hygiene, facility cleanliness, and good record-keeping. Even the design of the manufacturing plant itself is covered in these regulations.


Overall, cGMPs ensure that food is safe for consumers and something our customers can be proud of. The goal is to prevent issues before they happen and to quickly correct them if they do.


The GMP Ready Room

The ‘Ready Room’ is where everyone begins their day. The area provides space to prepare for work. Employees place food or drinks in the refrigerator and personal belongs in a locker.


Keeping such items out of the restricted space is important.


Staff sometimes receive additional or refresher trainings on food safety in the ‘Ready Room’. During the work day, they also return to this space for breaks.

Current Good Manufacturing Practices are the following principles:

  • Maintain a clean and hygienic manufacturing area.

  • Prevent cross-contamination from adulterants and allergens.

  • Manufacturing processes must be clearly defined and controlled.

  • Critical processes are validated for consistency and compliance. Any changes to the process must be evaluated.

  • Procedures must be written in clear language and use good documentation practices.

  • Operators must be trained to carry out and document procedures.

  • Records must be made which show that all necessary steps were followed and documented.

  • A recall system must be in place.

  • Complaints must be investigated and proper action is taken if necessary.


Before anyone enters the production facility, they must understand cGMP regulations. Staff attend training and must pass a competency test to work in the cGMP restricted area.


Rather than passing the test, visitors or outside contractors are escorted at all times while in the facility and sign a waiver prior to entering the facility.


Everyone is reminded of the rules every time they get ready to walk through the red doors into the restricted area.


Putting cGMPs to Work

We use proper hand-washing methods and everyone always wears hair and beard nets during production. All staff receive training right down to proper technique and how long to wash your hands (20 seconds).


Daily post-production cleaning checklists cover all productions and all other sections of our facility. These are geared towards preventing cross-contamination. Weekly inspections confirm that all procedures are being followed correctly.


Current Good Manufacturing Practices continue to evolve. The word ‘current’ reflects that these practices change over time. Each facility is different, so rules change to fit the situation.


We strive to remain at the forefront of cGMPs and all FSMA regulations regarding food production and safety.


As a result, we educate our staff and refresh our training often. The production schedule leads to many opportunities for teachable moments as well.


For more information on cGMPs and why they’re important, check out the FDA’s website.

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